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What Are the Most Common Truck Accidents?

By Clair B. Norton

What are the most common truck accidents

Accidents involving big rigs are among the most dangerous on the road. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration estimates that large commercial vehicles are involved in 13 percent of all fatal crashes in the United States. While these crashes are typically caused by drivers of smaller vehicles, large commercial vehicles can also be involved in back-up collisions. In fact, up to 30 percent of fatal crashes in work zones involve multiple trucks.

In 2017, the number of large truck accidents increased by 51 percent. In 2017, there were 4,671 people killed in such accidents. Of these victims, nearly half of them were in passenger vehicles. Tractor-trailers and combination trucks are the most deadly types of trucks. While the exact percentage of fatalities varies, the number of injuries caused by truck collisions has remained remarkably consistent.

In addition to rear-end crashes, underside accidents also pose a major risk for both the driver and the passenger vehicle. Because a truck is so large and slow, it is difficult for a driver to stop in time. This often results in the smaller vehicle getting crushed underneath the large truck’s trailer.

Truck accidents can occur for a variety of reasons, including a malfunctioning brake system or tire blowout. In addition, large loads can cause the truck to jackknife or tip over. These accidents can cause a lot of flying debris, posing a hazard to drivers.

Truck accidents can be fatal if the truck is speeding or unable to stop in time. Trucks are designed to be taller than cars, which means that if they fail to slow down quickly, they may jackknife, dragging other vehicles underneath their trailer. This can lead to severe injuries, including the death of the driver.

Fatigue is a major cause of truck accidents. Drivers of large trucks are often required to work long hours, with little rest between drives. This lack of sleep can cause the driver to lose coordination, concentration, and even sleep while behind the wheel. Even if they have proper rest, drivers are still prone to fatigue, which can lead to accidents.

Another common cause of truck accidents is reckless driving. Drivers often have a large blind spot, which can make them misinterpret other drivers’ movements. A panicked truck driver may swerve into the opposite lane, causing a collision with other vehicles. Regardless of the reason, trucks and automobiles can cause an accident and may be held liable.

Tire blowouts are another cause of truck accidents. Big trucks are extremely dangerous when a tire blows, especially if they are traveling at high speed. Big rig trucks are also much more likely to cause a rollover. The weight of these vehicles makes it impossible for drivers to maneuver safely in such conditions. A blown tire can result in a catastrophic accident or even a deadly crash.

Trucks can also be affected by heavy winds. This can cause the trailer attached to the cab to drift out of its lane. Heavy winds also can make it impossible for the driver to control the vehicle. In addition, a truck driver must know the road they are taking to get where they are going. He might not notice a dangerous road condition and crash, causing serious injury or death.

Truck crashes can result from many causes, but the most common is driver error. Distracted driving, speeding, and fatigue can all be contributing factors. In addition, truck drivers who are driving while impaired or distracted often fail to give another driver enough time to stop. These factors can lead to a deadly head-on collision.

Fatigue and inexperience are also factors in truck accidents. Many drivers do not take adequate rest, and they may not observe the hours of operation for their vehicle. The drivers of large vehicles can also become prone to road rage, resulting in serious injury or death. Tire blowouts are another common reason for truck accidents. However, drivers must remember that accidents caused by fatigue and inexperience are often fatal and can only be prevented with proper training and attention.

A big rig accident can result in fatalities, and a wrongful death case can help the survivors of the accident get compensation for their losses. In addition to medical bills and funeral expenses, wrongful death compensation can cover the loss of income and support for the family. However, it is essential to remember that a wrongful death case may require lengthy court proceedings. Insurance companies often fight harder when the stakes are higher.

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